Atrial Fibrillation Detection (AFib)
Premature Contraction Detection (PC)
The upper chambers of the heart (the atria) beat irregular (quiver) and
mostly fast instead of beating effectively to move blood into the ventricles.
This condition is associated with a higher risk for cardiac blood clots, stroke,
heart failure and other heart-related complications. About 10 % – 20 % of
patients who suffer from an ischemic stroke also suffer from atrial fibrillation.
Extra, abnormal heartbeats generated in abnormal locations of your heart,
either in the atria (PAC) or in the ventricles(PVC) or the cardiac conduction
nodes (PNC). These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm,
sometimes causingpalpitations (e.g. skipped beats) in your chest. It may
occur singularly or repetitively with various incidence. If not stress-related,
they are a sensitive marker for a multitude of cardiac disorders, elevated
ischemic stroke risk with PC.
Bp Meter Rossmax X5 Auto Arm
R1,084.56 Inc VAT
• Arrhythmia Detection (ARR)
• Atrial Fibrillation Detection (AFib)
• Premature Contraction Detection (PC)
• Cuff Detection
• Movement Detection
• Hypertension Risk Indication
• Average of last 3 readings
• 7 day AM/PM Averaging
• 120 Memories for 2-Users with Date and
Time Indication
• Guest Mode
• Latex-Free Patented Universal Cone Cuff
• Cuff Holder Design
• Large LCD Size : 69*78 mm
• Adaptor Socket
• Lifetime Calibration
• PC Link (optional)
• Zipper Bag
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